Public Presentations
2020 Presenter: Rivers with Rights and People with Voice. Dare to Dream in the Anthropocene. Miami Dade College. November 4
2019 Presenter: Internal Review Board (IRB) Training. For Randall Casino, Yankton Sioux Reservation, South Dakota. October
2019 Presenter: Indian Water Rights 101. Yankton Sioux Reservation, South Dakota. May 28
2019 Presenter: Water Talk III. Oceti Sakowin – Brave Heart Society – Native Organizers Alliance. Chamberlain, South Dakota. April
2019 Presenter: Global Water-related Terrorism: 1970-2016 American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Webinar. World Wide Web.
2018 University of Birmingham Nile Workshop. Presenter Water Development Opportunities and Challenges: a question of water
ethics in the Nile River Basin. June 15. Birmingham, UK.
2018 University of Birmingham Nile Workshop. Presenter Water Development Opportunities and Challenges: a question of water
ethics in the Nile River Basin. June 15. Birmingham, UK.
2018 Brave Heart Society and Yankton Sioux Tribe. Water Talk I. Water from a Global Perspective, a Decolonized Approach. May 2-3.
Ihanktonwan Territory, South Dakota.
2018 International Studies Association Annual Convention, Panelist: A Global Analysis of Water-related Terrorism 1970-2016.
Environment and Conflict Session. April 4. San Francisco, California.
2018 International Studies Association Annual Convention, Panelist: Countries at Risk: Assessing Vulnerability and Resilience to Water-
related Instability and Conflict. Water Governance Across Scales Session. April 5. San Francisco, California.
2018 International Studies Association Annual Convention, Discussant: Water Governance Across Scales. April 5. San Francisco,
2018 Earth Ethics Institute, Miami-Dade College, Speaker: Water Rights as Human Rights. Urban Resiliency Symposium, the Rights of
Nature. March 22-23. Miami, Florida.
2017 Florida International University, Panelist. World Water Security Panel, Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs
Global Water Security Forum. November 15, Miami, Florida.
2017 Oregon State University, Presentation to Undergraduate Course: Applications of Geography in Social Justice. May
25, Corvallis, Oregon.
2017 Oregon State University, Presentation to Honors Course: Standing Rock and the Case of Water Security. May
25, Corvallis, Oregon.
2017 Oregon State University, Presentation to Graduate Course: Dancing the Line Between Scientist and Advocate. May
24, Corvallis, Oregon.
2017 Portland State University, Resistance GIS Conference. Keynote Speaker: On Resistance Mapping. May 20, Portland, Oregon.
2017 Clark University Decolonizing the Academy Workshop, Speaker: Using maps to decolonize how we see the world around us. April
9 & 10, Worcester, Massachusetts.
2017 Association of American Geographers Annual Conference. Moderator. Panel: Water Security and Standing Rock, Using
Geography to be Good Allies. April 7, Boston, Massachusetts.
2017 Miami Dade College, Presentation to Undergraduate Ethics Course: Water Ethics. 22 March, Miami, Florida.
2017 Florida International University, Moderator. Panel: Standing Rock, the Way Forward. 13 February, Miami, Florida.
2017 Global Indigenous Forum, Florida International University Presentation: Art, Science, & Advocacy. January 23, Miami, Florida.
2016 Curtiss Mansion. Update on Standing Rock. December 14, Miami Springs, Florida.
2016 Florida International University, Moderator. Panel: Indigenous Water Protectors and the Dakota Access Pipeline Controversy:
Implications for Protecting Global Water Security, People, and Environmental Resources. November 30, Miami, Florida.
2016 Smithsonian Waterways Exhibition, Curtiss Mansion. Moderator. Panel: Sea Level Rise in South Florida. Miami Springs,
2016 Luna Star Cafe Presentation: Indigenous Movement at Standing Rock, Water Security Threats from DAPL, and fundraiser for the
International Indigenous Youth Council. November 5, North Miami, Florida.
2016 Smithsonian Waterways Exhibition, Curtiss Mansion Combining Science and Photography for Social Advocacy. Miami
Springs, FL, USA. October 13.
2016 Nile Forum Seed Camp. Presenter: Nile Basin-based Research. March 23, 2016, Ajelika Eco-village, Aswan, Egypt.
2016 Goldcoast Train Museum. Presenter: Faith in the Dreaming: a walkabout through hope, fear, faith, and self discovery. Ladies
Brunch Series, January 17, 2016, Miami, FL, USA.
2015 American Water Resources Association Webinar Presenter: Water Security in the Amazon, Nile, and Mekong Rivers. August
18, 2015.
2015 Paper Presentation: Water Conflict and Cooperation: Lessons from Around the World.” at the Workshop
on “Water Politics and Regional Stability,” National University of Singapore, 21-23 May 2015. (Presented by Aaron Wolf)
2015 River Geography and Water Security: Multiple Applications in Different Locations. December 14, 2015,
SERC Department Seminar, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA.
2015 Water Wars: Conflict Over the Nile River and Prospects for Cooperation. Panel Discussion, October 22,
2015 Ruth K. and Shepard Broad Distinguished Lecture Series, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA.
2014 Local Scale Impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and Xayaburi Dam May 19, 2014
Geography Day, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA.
2014 Research in East Africa on Water Development Projects. Oregon’s Africa Interest Group. October 2014,
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA.
2014 Human Security Impacts from Dam Development: PhD Dissertation Research. National Socio-
Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), August 2014, Annapolis, MD, USA.
2014 Countries at Risk: Human Security Risk to States With Transboundary Water Resources and Instability.
October 2014 Hydrophiles Fall Meeting, Old World Deli, Corvallis, OR
2014 Countries at Risk: Human Security Risk to States With Transboundary Water Resources and Instability.
October 2014, Grace Center, Corvallis, OR
2014 Poster Presentation: Countries at Risk: Heightened Human Security Risk to States With Transboundary
Water Resources and Instability. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA December 14-18, 2014.
2014 Paper Presentation: Water Resource Management Mechanisms for Intrastate Violent Conflict Resolution:
the Capacity Gap and What To Do About It. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 14-18 2014.
2014 Paper Presentation: Scales of Human Security Stability in Dam Development: Nile and Mekong Rivers.
Annual Water Resources Association (AWRA) Conference, Tysons Corner, VA, USA, October 2014.
2014 Paper Presentation: Human Security Dimensions of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam American
Association of Geographers (AAG) Conference, Tampa, FL, April 2014.
2013 Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and Xayaburi Dam Human Security Analysis 2013 National
Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), New Campus East, Washington, DC, USA.
2013 Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Nile Project Workshop, January, 2013, Fekra Arts Center, Aswan,
2012 Human Security Dimensions of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, December 2012 Addis Ababa
University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
2012 Human Security Dimensions of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, December 2012 Wondo Ganet
College, Wondo Ganet, Ethiopia.
2012 Human Security Dimensions of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, December 2012 Wondo Ganet
College, Wondo Ganet, Ethiopia.
2012 Field Methods, December 2012 Wondo Ganet College, Wondo Ganet, Ethiopia.
2011 Human Geography of Water Security National GeospatialIntelligence Foundation, Reston, VA, USA.
2011 Paper Presentation: Resilience Theory and the Columbia River Treaty Renegotiation. American
Association of Geographers (AAG) Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, April 15, 2011.
2004 Lake Ohrid Watershed International Management, August, 2004, University of New Haven, West Haven,
2004 Lake Ohrid Watershed International Management, August, 2004, Central European University, Budapest,
2004 Lake Ohrid Watershed International Management, August, 2004, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Budapest, Hungary.